Friday, October 14, 2011

[Sejarah] Tiong Tan Lie Goan Soe (Ne Zha)

Tiong Tan Lie Goan Soe (Ne Zha)

Nezha, Na Zha or Nata (Chinese: 哪吒; pinyin: Nézhā or Núozhā; Pe̍h-ōe-jī: Lô-chhia; is a Taoist protection deity, the trickster, originally of Chinese Buddhist mythology. His official Taoist name is "Marshal of the Central Altar" (中壇元帥). He was then given the title "Third Lotus Prince" (莲花三太子) after he became a deity.

五營元帥中最重要者,是主神之兵將的統帥,也被奉為開路神。俗稱太子爺。根據章回小說描述,姓李,名哪吒,為輔佐周武王伐紂,乃降生為錢塘關總兵李靖(托 塔天王)第三子,故又稱「三太子」;自小拜於太乙真人門下,後因打死東海龍王的太子,還抽其龍筋,為免連累父母,乃剖腹剜腸、剔骨還親,最後由太乙真人予 以蓮花化身才得以復活。臺灣目前常見的哪吒神像造形,也受到此故事影響,多為孩童模樣,兩手分執乾坤圈、火尖槍、腳踏風火輪、身纏混天綾;也有盤坐於蓮花 上,身穿肚兜、手執乾坤圈,威武中不失童稚。
臺灣奉祀中壇元帥的廟宇相當多,香火旺盛、較負盛名者,主要有臺南縣新營太子宮、臺南縣麻豆太子宮、臺南市頂太子沙陶宮、臺南市開基昆沙宮、高雄市三鳳宮 及高雄市龍水化龍宮等,每年農曆9月9日(重陽節)為中壇元帥聖誕,進香期前後長達一個多月,盛況不亞於媽祖香期及王爺香期。民間將重陽節視為敬老節,此 日祀童子神,別有妙意。

The most important of the marshals of the five camps (五營元帥), the commander of the armies of the gods, also venerated as the deity of opening the road (開路神). He is commonly referred to as the Lord Prince. According to descriptions in novels, his name is Li (李) Nezha (哪吒); an assistant of King Wu (武) of Zhou (周), he was born the third son of general Li Jing (李靖, Heavenly King of Bearing the Pagoda), at Qiantang Pass (錢塘關); he was therefore also known as the “third crown prince.” He was a devotee of the Taiyi Zhenren (太乙真人) school from childhood; later in life he killed a son of the dragon king of the East China Sea and took out one of his ribs. To avoid implicating his parents, he cut open his own stomach and scooped out his intestines and bones to be given to his parents. In the end, he came back to life after Taiyi Zhenren incarnated him in a lotus. The images of Nezha commonly seen in Taiwan is influenced by this story; he often appears in the form of a child with the Yin and Yang Ring in one hand and his fire-tipped spear in the other; he rides the Wheel of Wind and Fire and is wrapped in the Red Armillary Sash. He also appears seated on a lotus wearing a traditional bellyband (肚兜), with the Yin and Yang Ring in his hand, formidable yet youthful.
Popular belief in the Lord Prince is that he wields great magical powers despite taking the form of a boy; at the same time he is the Marshal of the Central Camp, the greatest of the marshals of the five camps, leading the armies of the east, west, north and south. In the early days, if Taiwanese villages encountered calamity or were haunted by demons, they would often erect an altar to pray for the protection of the Marshal of the Central Camp; consequently, he became a very familiar god to the common people.
A considerable number of temples in Taiwan are dedicated to the Marshal of the Central Camp; those famous for burning many joss sticks include Taizi Temple in Xinying, Tainan (臺南縣新營太子宮), Taizi Temple in Madou (麻豆), Tainan, Dingtaizi Shatao Temple (頂太子沙陶宮) in Tainan, Kaiji Kunsha Temple (開基昆沙宮) in Tainan, Sanfeng Temple (三鳳宮) and Longshui Hualong Temple (龍水化龍宮) in Kaohsiung (高雄). The birthday of the Marshal of the Central Camp is celebrated each year on the 9th day of the lunar 9th month (重陽節, Double Ninth Festival); the duration of incense-offering period for more than a month, an occasion no less grand than the period of incense-burning for Mazu (媽祖) or for the royal lords (王爺). The Double Ninth Festival is popularly seen as a festival for respecting the aged; celebrating this boy-god on this day was a clever idea.

Copyright © 2011 Council for Cultural Affairs. All Rights Reserved.  

中壇元帥訧是太子爺,係玉皇大帝駕前神軍總指揮,統率東西南北中五營,所有神兵 神將。太子爺居中央營,稱中壇元帥,奉為道教護法主持,擁有極高道術與法力。



Pada zaman Dinasti Yuan, kisah Nezha mulai dikembangkan lagi Dalam Kumpulan Para Dewa Tiga Agama disebutkan bahwa Nezha adalah salah satu Dewa Daluo, pengawal Yu Huang Da Di (Kaisar Giok), yang bertubuh tinggi besar. Karena banyak iblis yang mengacau dunia, Yu Huang menitahkan Nezha turun ke mayapada dan lahir dari rahim istri Li Jing. Baru 5 hari usianya ketikaia mandi di laut menimbulkan kegaduhan yang membuat raja naga dan bala tentaranya marah. Nezha membunuh seorang pangeran naga. Kemudian secara tidak sengaja ia menewaskan murid Dewi Shiji Niangniang. Li Jing sangat gusar, nezha memotong daging dan tulang-tulang tubuhnya diberikan pada sang ayah sebagai penebus kesalahan, setelah itu hubungan bapak anak putus. Roh Nezha mengadukan nasibnya pada Sang Buddha. Sang Buddha lalu membuat tubuh dari daun dan batang teratai untuknya. Nezha lahir kembali, makin sakti. Yu Huang lalu mengangkatnya sebagai komandan pasukan pengawal gerbang langit. Kisah di atas mendasari kisah Nezha dalam kitab Feng Shen. Kedua kakaknya, Muzha dan Jinzha, adalah pengikut Bodhisattva Samantabhadra dan Manjusri. Nezha sering digambarkan sebagai remaja laki-laki yang terbang dengan roda api di bawah kedua telapak kakinya dengan memegang cakram dan tombak. Terkadang ia digambarkan dengan banyak tangan. Berdasarkan penelitian beberapa sejarawan, Nezha berasal dari dewata India kuno yang bernama Nalakuvara, anak kembar dari Dewa Kubera (atau dalam Buddhis : Vaisravana).

Demikian juga Li Jing yang merupakan ayah Nezha, adalah proses sinifikasi dari Vaisravana. Li Jing (Li Tian Wang) dan Vaisravana sama-sama membawa pagoda. Nezha sering dipuja sebagai pengawal Dewa Taois Bao Sheng Da Di dan Dewi Taois Mazu (Tian Shang Sheng Mu). Kelenteng yang khusus memuja Nezha bernama Tai Zi Miao (Kelenteng Sang Pangeran). Hari lahir-Nya diperingati pada tanggal 9 bulan 9 Imlek dan kenaikan-Nya ke langit pada tanggal 8 bulan 4 Imlek.

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